Author: Brian
•4:24 PM

What are the hallmarks of a champion communicator?

According to communicator professional speaker and marketing strategist Al Argo a true Champion Communicator can be expressed by one word CHAMPION :

Comfortable – Try to be as comfortable as possible in front of an audience. It requires a lot of p[reparation and passion, Eventually as you speak more in public you will become comfortable. Being nervous is a good thing as you learn to change it into positive energy.

Humorous – Truly great speakers have the ability to make people laugh. Well placed humour adds impact and emphasis. Be warned never become a clown or devalue a powerful introduction with some unrelated joke.

Aware – Be aware of the audience and their needs. Every speech is an opportunity to meet your audience needs. A good speaker observes his audience. Never talk at them or over the top of their heads. Watch them. Are you getting your point across? Are people nodding in agreement? When you prepare do you take the time to find out what your audience needs before you speak? A champion Communicator serves people.

Also be aware of the time. Speaking beyond a time limit can be a hardship to your audience. Yes they came to listen to you but the pensioner league you are speaking to may have to catch the Community bus.

Memorable – There is no point in speaking and being forgotten. Some use props and and objects to illustrate a point, others use PowerPoint to ad colour. However, the greatest communicators tell stories. Think of Jesus. It is said he would not speak without an illustration. Not just any story a story that will make a point, engage the imagination, and make the desired purposeful point.

Purposeful – If you are there to serve then you are there to ad to peoples lives. Every speech should have a specific reason for its existence. Are you trying to persuade someone? Entertain a crowd/ Motivate a person to act in a certain way. That purpose must be the theme, the central point that your entire topic circles around and highlights.

Sounds like hard work? Yes it is – but it’s a heck of a lot of fun.

Integrity – Do you truly believe in what you are saying, or are you droning out a sales pitch that bores you silly? Do you quote someone? Then have the integrity to credit the author. Tell a story? Where is it from? Did you use statistic? Well give the source – this is important so many false statistics are out there you, so be certain you give your audience to believe your information.

“Better yet be original and tell your own story. Champion Communicators keep a file of their own stories which they can draw from at any time in the future. When you speak – speak with integrity” writes Al Argo.

Optimistic –Everytime you give a speech you are progressing, learning, getting better. Believe you will achieve your goals and you will.

Never Quit – Al Argo relates how he “fell off the stage, not once but twice.”

“At a company in Singapore, I spilt a cup of water all over somebody as I was speaking. I have accidentally hit people with props and I have said things that I never intended to come out of my mouth. Yes, I have made a lot of mistakes but I will never make the mistake of quitting” he said.

“So Get Comfortable, be Humorous, Aware, Memorable, and Purposeful, speak with Integrity, be Optimistic and Never Quit and you will be a Champion Communicator!”

-Al Argo

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