Author: Brian
•9:51 PM
"What’s in it for me?"

Yep, thats it. You want -infact you NEED - your customer to act on your advertising. No sale, you ad is useless.

So you have to convince people that there going to win out. They want to know "Whats in it for me?" and you have to show them.

Five Magnificent Motivators
Psychologist Abraham Maslow, in Motivation and Personality claimed that human behavior results from of one or more of five basic motivating forces which he called "the hierarchy of human needs."

Maslow theorised that until a lower-ranking need is satisfied, there is no desire to pursue need higher up the ladder. From lowest to highest these are:
1. Physiological needs - Include hunger, thirst, shelter, clothing, air and rest.
2. Security - The need for safety, stability, dependence, protection, structure and order.
3. Love - The need to love and be loved, belonging, acceptance, affection, and friendship.
4. Self-esteem - The need for recognition, respect, achievement, responsibility, prestige, independence, importance and appreciation.
5. Self-actualization - The desire to achieve fulfillment through reaching individual goals or aspirations.

So that is what people are looking for now how does that relate to my advertising?

1. You must sell your strongest selling point
2. You need to clearly distinguish your product from your competitors.
How do your benefits differ and out perform your competitors? This is often called a Unique Selling Position (USP). If you want to be noticed you have to stand out. A cow in a field of cows is just a cow. A purple cow? Now that would stand out! Your product or service must demonstrate that it is distinctive and valuable in the mind of a customer.

Your USP depends on your companies clearly defined image. Everything you write, say and every picture you use must reinforce that image.

To attract business you need to
Attract Attention
Hold the customers attention throughout the whole advertisement
Arouse a desire for your service
Motivate them to buy, perhaps even arouse the feeling of pain of missing out on your super offer.

Ok that is a very basic summary yet it is these principles that will compel your customer to click yes to your offer before they move on to your competitor.
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